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How do you "rev" down a turbine for breaking and turning?? such as in the new section in Bahrain. That will be nice to see :)


Yup, i thought it had to do with the transmission; but have never seen anything like this applied to a high performance cars/turbines (to me it was only limited to tiny super fuel saving cars)... nice.
How do you "rev" down a turbine for breaking and turning?? such as in the new section in Bahrain. That will be nice to see :)


Yup, i thought it had to do with the transmission; but have never seen anything like this applied to a high performance cars/turbines (to me it was only limited to tiny super fuel saving cars)... nice.

Me neither but it's all I could think of since a turbine is best running at a constant speed.
How do you "rev" down a turbine for breaking and turning?? such as in the new section in Bahrain. That will be nice to see :)


Yup, i thought it had to do with the transmission; but have never seen anything like this applied to a high performance cars/turbines (to me it was only limited to tiny super fuel saving cars)... nice.

Me neither but it's all I could think of since a turbine is best running at a constant speed.

Ah ok, I thought you already "knew" about this (ie as a fact or seen it applied before)... if it was just an idea, its a very good idea :thumbup:
Turbine engines have already been tried, though never actually raced in F1.

They raced at Indianapolis in the 1960's.

Colin Chapman worked on his own design and very nearly raced one in F1 in 1970/71. Didn't quite make it I believe.
i hate it hate it hate it.

1.5L 4 cylinders? good grief. whats next? hungry hamsters on tread mills, yet another stupid rule in my opinion.

But what you leave out is the HUGE turbo bolted onto that L4 engine, or will it be V4? or maybe a W4? that'd be a first! it's still end up around the 750-800bhp mark!
i hate it hate it hate it.

1.5L 4 cylinders? good grief. whats next? hungry hamsters on tread mills, yet another stupid rule in my opinion.

I'd take that 1.5L bolted to my car!
first off we are supposed to be in the age of cost cutting. whole new engine regs go against all of that. second off i agree the world is going green and f1 needs to follow to stay relevant. but lets do something that makes a real impact. like say water.

but in my opinion. you cam make an engine that burns nuclear waste and converts it to free rice to feed the starving kids in Africa, it its done in a four banger then i vote no

i want 6.0l v12s and v10 not little crappy 1.5l in line 4s
i want 6.0l v12s and v10 not little crappy 1.5l in line 4s

Personally I don't care what engines they run as long as they are quick and produce good racing... bigger engines mean more weight and I'm sure the FIA would limit the maximum power output anyway. it'd be nice to hear the old 3.5L V12s again but that time has passed; F1 is all eco and road relevant these days!
i hate it hate it hate it.

1.5L 4 cylinders? good grief. whats next? hungry hamsters on tread mills, yet another stupid rule in my opinion.

The last time F1 used this format, BMW developed engines that produced an estimated 1300-1500 BHP in qualy trim, 800-900 with race boost. All on ...cough, cough ...93 octane Sunoco. They remain second only to the Porsche 917/30 for honours as the most powerful roadracing auto ever built.


If you want to liven up the racing, don't limit allowable boost or revs. Let the teams run as much pressure and RPMs as they dare.

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