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By cap-dude
Got it on pre-order, along with a new hard drive and new ram. I has windows 7, twice the space and twice the ram now. Tis ace! :D

Anyone tried the bubbles screensaver. Its freakin EPIC!
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By Denthúl
Better but still bad is the impression that I have so far. Even having tweaked it to disable all the services that aren't relevant to anything I would do, I found that it still used six times the memory that Ubuntu does, which irks me severely (that said, Karmic isn't a spectacular release, either). The only thing of real significance I can say is that I would deploy this on our domain at work, something I would not do with Vista.
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By 7UpJordan
I'm going to pick up the upgrade version next time I go to the shops, I want to upgrade crappy Vista to this new 7.
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By Denthúl
I'm going to pick up the upgrade version next time I go to the shops, I want to upgrade crappy Vista to this new 7.

I wouldn't suggest upgrading. There have been a lot of issues reported*. Is the upgrade version that much cheaper?

*These may well have been resolved recently. :)
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By 7UpJordan
I'm going to pick up the upgrade version next time I go to the shops, I want to upgrade crappy Vista to this new 7.

I wouldn't suggest upgrading. There have been a lot of issues reported*. Is the upgrade version that much cheaper?

*These may well have been resolved recently. :)

It's about £35 ish cheaper.
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By headless
I got it, but waiting to build a good PC before I install it
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By Denthúl
I'm going to pick up the upgrade version next time I go to the shops, I want to upgrade crappy Vista to this new 7.

I wouldn't suggest upgrading. There have been a lot of issues reported*. Is the upgrade version that much cheaper?

*These may well have been resolved recently. :)

It's about £35 ish cheaper.

Wow. :|
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By 8-ball
I have had the RC for a while but still not convinced on shelling out £70 for it. Need to wait until the new year and see what the general opinion is.
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By Jensonb
I'll pick up a copy at some point so I can play PC games on my MacBook Pro. We have it at School...It's Windows!
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By cap-dude
I'll pick up a copy at some point so I can play PC games on my MacBook Pro. We have it at School...It's Windows!

Yup, I can confirm it runs great on a Macbook :thumbup: Just make sure you have the snow leopard disk lying around. Windows 7 is hilarious on a macbook without bootcamp drivers. Useless, but kinda funny.

Also, if your a Uni student, there is suppose to be a discount, so you'll only have to pay about £30. Not sure if it's started yet though.

The upgrade version, I've seen no one have a single problem with it so far. It takes ages to upgrade, but works fine from there on. Windows does a good job of upgrading.

*Also, as usual with Microsoft, I've found many of the new features are lifted from Mac. The new taskbar runs nearly identically to macs taskbar now. Also, the alternating backgrounds and transparent task bars are lifted. File explorer is also quite similar to Mac's finder now. :hehe: Soon the two OS's will be identical, where as they used to years apart.
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By Denthúl
i got mine on preorder for £50

The pre-order was probably the best deal when they were still planning on releasing the E version. Once they pulled that, prices went up accordingly, but if you'd pre-ordered E you got the full version at that price anyway.

Tip for anyone and everyone: XP mode is quite poor. I'm not sure if this is because of how they've tried to integrate the guest with the host or just because Virtual PC is inferior to VirtualBox, VMWare and QEMU, but no matter how big a percentage of your resources you devote to the VM, it's exceptionally sluggish. There are some decent improvements on the surface, but nothing really radical. I do like the performance tweaks they've managed and the upgrades to UAC. One gripe that I still have (which is more than likely irrelevant to you all, but still bugs me) is that when you're joined to a domain, you no longer have the drop-down box to choose between logging on to the domain or local machine, so any duplicate account names will default to the local machine unless you type DOMAIN\ first >.<

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