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This game really screws with you. Do you go with your heart or with your head? Obviously going with you heart gets you little going with your head however just seems like a consolation prize.

So this race is the first one of the year where I'm more focused on the pool results than the actual GP results.

So this race is the first one of the year where I'm more focused on the pool results than the actual GP results.


For some reason I'm thinking of pots and kettles

There's good weird and weird weird - I'm soooo good :thumbup:

So this race is the first one of the year where I'm more focused on the pool results than the actual GP results.


For some reason I'm thinking of pots and kettles

There's good weird and weird weird - I'm soooo good :thumbup:

That's what you think... ;)

After the first half of the season,less people reveal their picks.No wonder why :whip:

That's so hard,I can easily move up 3rd,but also can easily fall down to 5th!Also,I'm like Kimi before Abu Dhabi,I have no wins but at 3rd. :D

Soo,I'm just about to submit it,but I've only predicted the 1st yet!
I don't want Alonso losing chance in the championship,but reasonably,it's not gonna be so :confused:
My picks are:

1. VET
2. HAM
3. RAI
4. WEB
5. ALO
6. BUT
7. GRO
8. MAS
9. MAL
10. SEN

Nin-Chin, Scotty, smokin, vlad, LewEndBridewell, stonemonkey, What's Burning?, racechick, Frontrunner, Jabberwockey,geetface9, LRW, 1lemon, Hyflex and elfinitty have also been added to the pool.

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