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By andrew

:hehe: Does anyone else see Al Bundy in those sour grapes?? :hehe:

I'm gonna say no thus making you crack under the pressure of the F1 pool and cause you to loose the lead and award all your points to me. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :twisted:

:hehe: Does anyone else see Al Bundy in those sour grapes?? :hehe:

All I got was Jesus Christ on my toast.
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By SennaVille

All I got was Jesus Christ on my toast.

You really need to pray to your toast "oh sacred toast, please let me win against the all magnificent, amazing SV".


All I got was Jesus Christ on my toast.

You really need to pray to your toast "oh sacred toast, please let me win against the all magnificent, amazing SV".


What a bunch of Vettel :sheep::sheep:
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By SennaVille

All I got was Jesus Christ on my toast.

You really need to pray to your toast "oh sacred toast, please let me win against the all magnificent, amazing SV".


What a bunch of Vettel :sheep::sheep:

What those sheep need is some Al Bundy sour grapes coming out of their bottom to make that emoticon great!
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By SennaVille

All I got was Jesus Christ on my toast.

You really need to pray to your toast "oh sacred toast, please let me win against the all magnificent, amazing SV".


What a bunch of Vettel :sheep::sheep:

Waitaminute! I just had a horrid thought...You do realise that when I say SV, I am actually referring to myself and not scrottyvants (aka Vettel), right?

Why did I pick this username? Whyyyyyyyy????

All I got was Jesus Christ on my toast.

You really need to pray to your toast "oh sacred toast, please let me win against the all magnificent, amazing SV".


What a bunch of Vettel :sheep::sheep:

Waitaminute! I just had a horrid thought...You do realise that when I say SV, I am actually referring to myself and not scrottyvants (aka Vettel), right?

Why did I pick this username? Whyyyyyyyy????

Ah, somtin's dawning on ye? :P:pinkelephant:

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