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Ferrari's chances in this year's championship look set to be boosted, with Pirelli having revealed that it is unlikely to use the hard tyre in the remaining races of the season.

The Maranello squad has been known this season for preferring softer tyres that adapt better to its car.

Pirelli announced earlier this week that it would not be using the hard compound in the upcoming three races, and its motorsport boss Paul Hembery says the compound is unlikely to return this season.

"I don't think we'll see the hard compound again," said Hembery. "I think it's probably too hard and that the medium is proving sufficiently robust for the aggressive circuits we've still got to come. So don't think we'll be going the hard route."

Hembery also revealed the hardest tyre is probably not going to be used at all next year, with a new compound likely to be introduced as a bridge between the medium and the soft.

"Probably next season the medium will become the hard," he said. "We'll probably slot something in between the current softs and mediums - We want to keep about one second between each. The super soft and soft gap is about right to be honest, because you've got a 1s speed advantage but you've got a clear degradation and limitation on use.

"If we could replicate that now with a new medium and a new hard then I think we'll be well placed."

He made it clear the company will continue to use vary the tyre compounds from race to race in order to get the better of them at every track.

"Well, I think we have to, because the circuits we are going to are really different again. It tends to be only the street circuits where I think there is a lot of similarity. Singapore has the added question mark of rain, at night, in 40 degrees centigrade, which is a bizarre situation to be in, so that's going to be fascinating.

"I have to say I think we will have some other interesting scenarios and we'll try and throw in some challenges ourselves."

The Briton also praised the job done by Pirelli this year to help improve the show in Formula 1.

"Pirelli has to be delighted," he said. "I think the Pirelli team has done a great job. We had very limited chance to get ready, limited testing opportunities with the teams, and with all those constraints I think we've delivered a great product and added something to the weekend spectacle."

Kinda saw this coming... everyone avoided that tyre like the plague where they could, it made little sense in Pirelli taking it to races.
Oh, why not have just one single tire spec for all races (plus intermediates and wets)?
Let the TEAMS deal with the problems that might arise and adapt to each race track rather than the tire supplier.
I would like the tyre situation to go back a few days when it was simple, straight forward and best of all, it worked. Give the teams 2 choices of slicks (soft, medium or hard) plus inters and wets.
Oh, why not have just one single tire spec for all races (plus intermediates and wets)?
Let the TEAMS deal with the problems that might arise and adapt to each race track rather than the tire supplier.


The whole point behind the tires this year was to diversify strategy, right? So let the teams strategize. Or would that be "too expensive" for them... Boo hoo.

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