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By 1Lemon
The results are in for Malaysia.

WB takes the lead with 1330 points, with Ichabod racing into second, almost 100 points away.

I climb into third with Jabber being the massive winner of the race into 4th.

Sagi and team Prancing Horse are the big losers, going from 1st & 3rd down to 5th & 6th respectively.

Geet goes from joint first to 10th and The Lone Rangers have another bad race.
By What's Burning?
Not a bad weekend for ol' Johnny... two fantasy teams, two wins. :whip:
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By sagi58
The results are in for Malaysia.

Sagi and team Prancing Horse are the big losers, going from 1st & 3rd down to 5th & 6th respectively...

Today!! We'll be back to race another day!! ((In two weeks, right??))
Only behind by a couple of hundred points!! Ain't nothing wrong with that!! :wink:
By What's Burning?
Made my first driver changes here this week, trying to squeeze a few more points. I unfortunately do not have enough for the mix that I want but hoping to bet right on certain driver performances so I can pick up the right mix in a race or two.

In the mean time, it looks like the cash cow of Rosberg and Hamilton will be tough to beat in this league any time soon, so make an effort to pick them up ASAP.

This has been a public service announcement. :wink:
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By LewEngBridewell
Oh dear, I'm dropping like a stone in this league, time for some driver changes! :eek:
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By geetface9
Got back up to 6th place after an abysmal malaysian gp :twisted: The only driver I should rightly change is pastor maldonado because of his car, but I just don't have the heart to do it. AIN'T NO FAIR WEATHER FAN, YO!!!!
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By LewEngBridewell
Got back up to 6th place after an abysmal malaysian gp :twisted: The only driver I should rightly change is pastor maldonado because of his car, but I just don't have the heart to do it. AIN'T NO FAIR WEATHER FAN, YO!!!!

Ahh come on, I've had to put aside Magnussen for now, and who am I to tell you to man up???? :rofl::rofl:
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By sagi58
Got back up to 6th place after an abysmal malaysian gp :twisted: The only driver I should rightly change is pastor maldonado because of his car, but I just don't have the heart to do it. AIN'T NO FAIR WEATHER FAN, YO!!!!

Ahh come on, I've had to put aside Magnussen for now, and who am I to tell you to man up???? :rofl::rofl:

I'm keeping Magnussen on my team! :thumbup:
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By Jabberwocky
I would of been doing okay if it was not for Koby taking out half my drivers in the 1st corner of Oz.

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By sagi58

To be fair, it was his brakes :P

and, the foot he had on them? :fallenangel:
By What's Burning?

To be fair, it was his brakes :P

and, the foot he had on them? :fallenangel:

Careful, in Bahrain, Kobayashi was only a a spot or two behind Kimi.
By What's Burning?
Has anyone got the up to date scores?

April 9, 2014:


Has a member ever led both fantasy games simultaneously? :blush:
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