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For computing and gaming discussion (incl. batracer)
<Link removed pending Admin decision> <myownalias>

Sails a little close to the wind of p2p file sharing... referring to an admin.
Users contribute to the network by giving bandwidth and a portion of their hard drive (called the "data store") for storing files.

No thank you.

Sounds a little worry, and the bit after saying 'hopefully wont be accounted for'.
But I may try it.
Fair enouhg remove the link...
Denthul, wouldn't you be able to see teh IP of any computer that was using one of the mass keys?
Fair enouhg remove the link...
Denthul, wouldn't you be able to see teh IP of any computer that was using one of the mass keys?

Me personally? Nope.

wouldn't the technicians? aint that what you are?
Who would then?
That depends. If it is software that phones home, then the publisher. But not all software does that. Other than that, I have no way of knowing which, if any, of the billions of computers out there are using my keys.
That depends. If it is software that phones home, then the publisher. But not all software does that. Other than that, I have no way of knowing which, if any, of the billions of computers out there are using my keys.


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