...It's just easier this way. Otherwise Merc has to do the whole illegal, 3 day, 1000 km, 'black helmet', private, in-season testing thing again.
Way to go FIA and das Pirelli.
What I'm about to ask are NOT facetious questions, nor are they rhetorical!
I really would like to understand this:
When Ferrari was putting hundreds and thousands of miles testing on their own track,
it became a problem for a number of teams who did not have the advantage of owning
their own track or, as I see it, who didn't have the finances to cover the hours and hours
of payroll budget this would incur. I get that. Big bucks = advantage.
Having said that, how is having ONE tire supplier, who SEEMS to favour one team any better?
How is it fair to penalize teams who can afford to test hours upon hours?
How is it fair to turn around and change the compounds, without testing them, once the season has begun?
Shouldn't ALL teams be treated equally and be given the opportunity to weigh in on this sudden decision?
How is it safe for teams who have built their car for specific compounds to be thrown a curve ball in the guise of safety?
Finally, will all those Ferrari-haters who have bitched, ad nauseum, for years finally stop whining about unfair advantages?
Better, will they finally recognize they should change their tune to a favourite K.C. and the Sunshine Band: "That's the Way, Uh-huh, Uh-huh, Mercedes Does it, Uh-huh, Uh-huh"?