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For all your expert predictions
1 Sebastian Vettel
2 Lewis Hamilton
3 Mark Webber
4 Jenson Button
5 Fernando Alonso
6 Nico Rosberg
7 Felipe Massa
8 Michael Schumacher
9 Nick Heidfeld
10 Adrian Sutil

... forgot to add, that our fantasy host SennaVille may once again be too incapacitated to type a coherent post so unless she recovers in time, her picks will simply be "the grid" it is Valencia after all.
1) Lewis Hamilton
2) Sebastian Vettel
3) Jenson Button
4) Fernando Alonso
5) Mark Webber
6) Nico Rosberg
7) Michael Schumacher
8. Vitaly Petrov
9) Adrian Sutil
10) Nick Heidfeld

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By vlad
1. Vettel
2. Webber
3. Hamilton
4. Alonso
5. Schumacher
6. Button
7. Kobayashi
8. Rosberg
9. Petrov
10. Perez
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By SennaVille
1. VET
2. LEW
3. ALO
4. BUT
5. WEB
6. ROS
7. PET
8. HEI
9. DIR
10. KOB
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By f1ea
1. Vettel
2. Webber
3. Alonso
4. Button
5. Hamilton
6. Massa
7. Rosberg
8. Kobayashi
9. Schumacher
10. Heidfeld
Just realized that doing nothing other than picking the grid from the beginning of the season would net you 150 points just from Vettel alone... factor in the other points that that would likely give you the lead.

Waiting on whisy to bring some sort of silver lining to Valencia.
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By smokin
Unable to send my picks while on holiday. If I'd just said "Go with the grid while I'm away" I would have won this one. :(

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