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hello everybody,

I'm preparing myself to write my Bachelor's dissertation. I would like to connect game theory and strategical analysis with F1. I find it a great subject for the dissertation, but unfortunately my knowledge concerning F1 and race strategies is too little. I would be grateful if you could recommend me some useful literature about F1, especially focused on racing strategies. What is most interesting for me, are how teams make their decisions conditional on other teams' decisions.

cheers, peter
That sort of information may be hard to come by, most F1 teams aren't keen on making their decision and strategy making processes public. Most of what you see reported with regards to the way in which the teams devise their strategy with relation to other teams is passed on by word of mouth in the paddock and by the time it has reached print is some strange hybrid of Chinese whispers and good old fashioned exaggeration.
A lot of strategies are computer calculated, based on things such as the likely-hood of a safety car, or likely-hood of changing weather conditions, or tyre wear.

Safety car chances being based on previous races at the track or educated guessing. Tyre wear calculated during practice etc. It all goes into a computer. I even hear some teams put in the likely-hood of a Truili-Train :hehe:

Of course, thats for the advanced teams like McLaren. Other teams might just go on gut instinct.

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