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By Ste L
Here's a random slection not of the car's from the weekend

1. Shiney Hat


3. Mini Padock

4.I think someone forgot to get some ear plugs

5.F1 Flag

6. Backing the Britt's

7. RIP or is it?

8.Nikon on the bigscreen - Who says Pro motorsport Tog dont use Nikon

9.No title needed

10. Marshall's keeping the crowd under control

11. Red Arrows
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By cap-dude
Some very cool pictures :thumbup:

Loving the anti-FIA, pro-FOTA stuff from this weekend. But this one takes the cake
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By stonemonkey
Cool pics, tho the guy that forgot his earplugs, maybe he just deosn't like getting his photo taken.

I like the Button Hamilton banner.
By Ste L
Cool pics, tho the guy that forgot his earplugs, maybe he just deosn't like getting his photo taken.

I like the Button Hamilton banner.

not he defo didn't have any, someone gave him some a little while later, so finger's was removed from ears :rofl:
By Ste L
i will be sticking some of the car's up shortly - well might be a while - need to sort through 1700 photo's (15.1 GB) :banghead:
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By texasmr2
Some very cool pictures :thumbup:

Loving the anti-FIA, pro-FOTA stuff from this weekend. But this one takes the cake

The first time I viewed the pic I said yah that is a cool shirt but this time I noticed the tool in the background, that pic ROCKS!!!! :thumbup:
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By Rivelution
Some very cool pictures :thumbup:

Loving the anti-FIA, pro-FOTA stuff from this weekend. But this one takes the cake

The first time I viewed the pic I said yah that is a cool shirt but this time I noticed the tool in the background, that pic ROCKS!!!! :thumbup:

:rofl: I didnt notice that either, thanks for pointing it out!
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By Jamie
Some very cool pictures :thumbup:

Loving the anti-FIA, pro-FOTA stuff from this weekend. But this one takes the cake

The first time I viewed the pic I said yah that is a cool shirt but this time I noticed the tool in the background, that pic ROCKS!!!! :thumbup:

:rofl: I didnt notice that either, thanks for pointing it out!

We are all pervs ;)
Yeah thanks for that, he thought yum another woman i get into a scandal with.
Ow, Wait. FOTA woman.....backing off..... :rofl:

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