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Agghh! The one time I deviate from my strategy!! :banghead:

Well Done, Andrew! :wavey:

Off to find my Sumarai sword...

My question stands: pine or oak? :whip::twisted::twisted::twisted:
Agghh! The one time I deviate from my strategy!! :banghead:

Well Done, Andrew! :wavey:

Off to find my Sumarai sword...

You'll find it next to your komino.

Time to celebrate my 1st win with loats of boastful smileys!




SennaVille = 419 +/-0
What's Burning? = 372 +/-0
smokin = 336 +/-0
vlad = 284 +/-0
LewEngBridewell = 233 +/-0
f1ea = 182 +/-0
andrew = 149 +1
cap-dude = 149 -1
killem2 = 79 +/-0
Coronis = 54 +/-0
FRAFPDD = 36 +/-0
Nomad = 36 +/-0
acosmichippo = 29 +/-0
McLaren = 8 +/-0

To changes except I move up 1 and I win! :D
Agghh! The one time I deviate from my strategy!! :banghead:

Well Done, Andrew! :wavey:

Off to find my Sumarai sword...

My question stands: pine or oak? :whip::twisted::twisted::twisted:

I think I'll opt for the burning raft, set out to sea. Print out my stupid picks and use it for kindling.
Agghh! The one time I deviate from my strategy!! :banghead:

Well Done, Andrew! :wavey:

Off to find my Sumarai sword...

You'll find it next to your komino.

Go eat sewshi.
Agghh! The one time I deviate from my strategy!! :banghead:

Well Done, Andrew! :wavey:

Off to find my Sumarai sword...

My question stands: pine or oak? :whip::twisted::twisted::twisted:

I think I'll opt for the burning raft, set out to sea. Print out my stupid picks and use it for kindling.

Wise choice taking care of your lifeless shell once and for all - we wouldn't want your ghost to haunt WB! :eek:
Agghh! The one time I deviate from my strategy!! :banghead:

Well Done, Andrew! :wavey:

Off to find my Sumarai sword...

You'll find it next to your komino.

Go eat sewshi.


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